Hi, I’m Ben!

I'm a proud father to my beautiful daughter, and work as an exterminator here in southern Wisconsin. Each year I test and rank top household mouse repellents. Enjoy!

Top Mice Repellent of 2024:

★ Best for Mice ★

Grandpa Gus's

I also reviewed:
Runner up


★ Top Pick ★

Grandpa Gus's






Grandpa Gus's



Mighty Mint



Pupford Academy

Testing line-up

My Top Pick of 2024

This year had a pretty solid #1 as you'll see below. It seems they changed their pouches making it even more effective.

★ Most Effective ★

Grandpa Gus's

Check Availability

My Research Outcome & Overview

Getting the right product that worked at a consistent rate proved to be difficult as many of the products had little to no effect. Having a child and pets at home, safety quickly become important in my rankings. To be honest, it's extremely challenging and overwhelming in such an urgent time where you just want them gone. Most of these products take time to really see results making the testing a drawn out process.

This in-depth guide can be used to take my learnings and apply them. Yes, this is more than the average homeowner is willing to go through, but with my background, I had fun with it! I also created this comparison chart that summarizes all of my research. I update this post whenever there's a new product to test to ensure that all of the information below is recent and accurate.

Scientifically Testing Rodent Repellents

Pupford Academy

My key components and checklist ((Quality + Effectiveness + Cost + Safety + Smell) / 5).

  1. Test The Leading Mice Repellents - Firstly, I wanted to ensure that I tested all of the leading mice repellents on the market that I could find. I chose the following brands: Grandpa Gus's, Fresh Cab, Earthkind, Haycore, Everfield, Mighty Mint, Tomcat, and Bye Critter.
  2. Sample Size - My house is 2,048 sq ft and we had rodent sign in multiple areas making there a few "test zones" to start. The main hot spots were the kitchen and bedrooms, but the unfinished basement also had heavy sign.
  3. Factors Compared - I rated each repellent based on the following factors: effectiveness, smell, safety, cost, and quality.
  4. Rating System - I then rated each course on each category with a simple 1-5 rating system (1 = not great, 5 = amazing).
  5. Choosing A Winner - Lastly, I added up all the points for each repellent and gave them a final score to choose a winner!
Pupford Academy

Methodical testing using my test criteria and ranking formula.

Testing Environment & Layout

I also needed to test the effectiveness of each repellent to see if it worked for removing the mice. Finding the right test environment was the hardest part - here’s how I did it:

  1. I found the most active areas and started with the products that had certain limitations, but really easy to use (ultrasonic & tablets).
  2. I then gave each one enough time to prove results which was typically a week or more depending if there were any early indicators. There were three main locations I was able to test in. Once I found the one that worked best, I spread to the entire house at the end to confirm.
  3. I determined effectiveness by assessing how many new droppings would appear, (I did see a mouse run across our kitchen counter during this period, but story for another time). Based on the size of the droppings, I had determined both mice and rats were in the home which was a little more intimidating if I'm being honest.
Pupford Academy

Test space: Basement (This was one of the three controlled test area's)

Mice Repellent Types

Why Pouches Worked The Best

Pros of Mouse Repellent Packets

Noticed results in the first week - It was relatively immediate results having tested these pretty heavy in the kitchen (where the most sign was). We went from fresh sign to minimal new sign. I think if I would have expanded to more cabinets, it would have been faster too.

Safety - They typically have all natural ingredients and easy instructions to follow to make sure it's pet and child friendly. There is a little thought that needs to go into it, but nothing that seems too out of the ordinary. Majority also say right on the packaging that they are pet and child friendly.

Smell - This one is often overlooked, but important. The smell was immediately pleasant opening the packages, although overwhelming. I had originally questioned if it would be too overwhelming, but ended up not being an issue.

Less Expensive - The cost is extremely reasonable when you think about how much some of these products are. Pest control I was quoted over $2,100 including an ongoing fee. I'll focus on per unit cost in relation to overall coverage vs total cost as the volume was different on each one.

Natural Ingredients - Majority of these are made with all natural ingredients causing no concern for chemicals or messes.

The mouse stays alive - These are made to deter mice and rats (rodents) vs kill. This avoids any mess and having a rodent rot in a wall for example. If you haven't smelt this before, consider yourself lucky!

Pupford Academy

Snapshot once all of the products arrived for testing.

Cons of Rodent Repellent Packets

Out of stock issues - During peak seasons I've struggled to maintain stock as they typically last 30 days. What I've found to work best is go for the subscriptions or stock up to avoid having to change brands. I'm sure this will improve over time, but something to watch out for.

Outside usage - While these work great indoors and places like garages and sheds, they don't hold up long in the exposed elements of nature (rain, wind, sun etc...).

Replacement - The packets and pouches typically last for 30 days which seems short,  but makes sense in reality, and something that I haven't minded being on a subscription plan reminding me when to change them.

Pupford Academy

The "even more robust" testing framework that was simplified earlier on this page!

Pros of Ultrasonic Repellents

Safety - These units are relatively safe outside of the electrical component. Usually come in an oval shape large enough to avoid a choking hazard.

Ease of use - By far the easiest to use as all you do is either plug it in or plug it in and push a button.

Cost effective - They are typically really cheap ($20-$50) and don't have ongoing costs outside of electricity and if the units need to be replaced from not working.

Keeps the mice alive - Acting as a deterrent, the rodents are just supposed too move out of the area due to the high-frequency sound waves that humans aren't supposed to be able to hear.

Cons of Ultrasonic Repellents

Effectiveness - I've tested these even outside of this research with little to no luck on 90% of them. There was one that seemed to help a little bit, but even then there's better solutions.

Quality - All of these are made extremely cheap as they only serve one purpose. It's pretty noticeable on the packaging and plastic quality right away.

The best mouse repellent I tried: Grandpa Gus's

★ Most Effective ★

Grandpa Gus's

Check Availability

⭐ Overall Rating ️
My ABSOLUTE favorite! Grandpa Gus's rodent repellent pouches checked all of the boxes luckily making it a pretty easy #1 choice. It completely cleared the area in the test phase, and then moving to the entire house it stopped the sign and sounds pointing at the mice moving out which was my main goal. They are safe and smell great without being too overwhelming.

❤️ What I love ️
A lot of the repellents I tried seem to have little to no effect. I remember one tablet having mouse sign literally right next to it a day after setting it down. Not the case here. The smell is very pleasant and the safety for my pets and kids was key.  

Pupford Academy

Test Area: Bedroom

🙈 What could be better
I've been using these for a while now, and coming up on peak season of 2024, this sounds minor, but is annoying that they run out of stock. Luckily it didn't seem as though any mice moved back in, but just something to keep an eye out as they seem to have problems keeping up with demand. The other thing is usage outside. While not a concern for me, you may be stuck with getting a different solution for that.  

📄 Description
"Stop mice from invading your home, garage, car, truck or RV through peppermint and cinnamon time-release scent. A hassle-free pest control barrier for any home."

☁️ Quality & Packaging
The packaging offered a resealable bag allowing you to keep some fresh as needed. The individual packets themself are easy to use and seem to be high quality as well. I was actually surprised how well scented they were with the bags they came in.

📊 Multiple Options:
Depending on the size space you have or are going to be using these for, they had multiple sizes and volumes of packets.

📏  Instruction for use:
Very easy to follow instructions and usage recommendations. They also go over a lot more of the benefits and research they have done on their end. Pretty cool to see it live in action.

What I love:
  • Keeps rodents alive
  • Essential oils
  • Can use outside
  • Easy usage material
  • Safe for kids if used as directed
What could be better:
  1. Not as effective as I would have liked
  2. Smell wasn't as nice in my opinion
  3. Bulky and heavy, needs certain storage environments

⭐ Overall Rating
Quality packets that may just need to be spread out closer together to which would probably leave better results. I do think these can see similar results to our top pick, and I may even test them more in the future. All natural ingredients make for a huge bonus as well.

Pupford Academy

Testing in the kitchen.

❤️ What I love
Similar thoughts as Grandpa Gus's here, but not as effective in terms of results as Grandpa Gus's at least on the time I spent testing them. The overall quality and design seems to be solid. I would recommend using this as a replacement if out of stock issues are causing problems.

🙈 What could be better
Not a ton of advantage of going this route in my opinion. Based on the testing and results I mapped, there's other packet / pouch options to help solve your mouse or rat problems.

What I love:
  • Easy to use
  • Safe (if used appropriately)
  • Effective training material
  • Content created by expert trainers
What could be better:
  1. Effectiveness - Not very effective
  2. Cheaply made for quality
  3. Bad reviews online
  4. Little more expensive

⭐ Overall Rating
Another option if you're struggling to get pouches to work, or dealing with out of stock issues. While I didn't have as much luck with this one, it may work for others. The pouches themselves are very nice, but very similar to Earthkind and seem to almost be the exact same.

❤️ What I love ️
Clean design and packaging and has the same pouch concept as the others which I like the most. The ingredients are also all natural. They don't specifically call out pet and child friendly like the other ones do.

🙈 What could be better
They don't specifically call out being pet and child friendly which was a concern for me and my use-case situation. The design could be altered to be it's own product vs very similar to the others.

What I love:
  • High quality and easy to use
  • Keeps mice alive
  • Natural ingredients
  • Well packaged
  • Smell was pleasant
What could be better:
  1. Most expensive cost per pouch
  2. Not very effective
  3. Similar to other pouches
  4. Strange oil feel on pouches

⭐ Overall Rating
Quality tablets that may just need to be spread out closer together to which would probably leave better results. I do think these can see similar results to our top pick, and I may even test them more in the future. All natural ingredients make for a huge bonus as well.

❤️ What I love
Similar thoughts as Grandpa Gus's here, but not as effective in terms of results as Grandpa Gus's at least on the time I spent testing them. The overall quality and design seems to be solid. I would recommend using this as a replacement if out of stock issues are causing problems. Price is also very cheap per unit.

🙈 What could be better
Not a ton of advantage of going this route in my opinion. You need to use a lot more of them, and they are messy. Based on the testing and results I mapped, there's other packet / pouch options to help solve your mouse or rat problems.

What I love:
  • Clean design
  • Keeps rodents alive
  • Easy to use
What could be better:
  1. Seems cheaply made
  2. Very minimal sign of working
  3. More expensive
  4. Limited placement

⭐ Overall Rating
Another option if you're struggling to get pouches to work, or dealing with out of stock issues. While I didn't have as much luck with this one, it may work for others. The unit is  nice, but you can tell right away it is made cheap and the results were minimal

❤️ What I love ️
Clean design and packaging and has the same concept as the others like this. It's probably the easiest to use out of all of them and the theory seems solid. I hope someday they make one of these that actually does work as it's super convenient!

🙈 What could be better
They don't specifically call out being pet and child friendly which was a concern for me and my use-case situation. The design could be altered to be it's own product vs very similar to the others.

My Mice Repellent Comparison Chart

Why I Chose "Grandpa Gus's"

Thanks for reading!

Being a homeowner is fun, but I know the feeling all too well the first time you find out you have unwanted visitors. Good luck to you, I hope I was able to help!