Hi, I’m Ben!

Proud homeowner and father to my daughter and pets. Life takes some crazy turns and mine came in the form of rodents. After moving into our house I set-up a "test-lab" to figure out how to remove the mice and rats in our home. Luckily it worked!

Ben K.
Homeowner | Father | Somewhat Mouse Expert... Now
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Hey there!

My name is Ben and I decided it would be fun to start this website! When we first moved into our house two years ago, we discovered we weren't the only one's living there. In the kitchen and bedrooms, there were signs of some type of rodent (I wasn't sure at the time), and the sign kept getting worse. One night I went into the kitchen, and saw a mouse run across the counter and jump into the toaster. From that point it became an urgent issue to say the least and it was game on. I looked at and read more reviews than I care to admit. I spent hours and then days looking into understanding these critters and exactly what has worked and hasn't worked. To be candid, it was tough!

The internet has such mixed reviews. I was a new homeowner at the time and just spent more money than I had spent my entire life and knowing the cost of an exterminator (I was quoted $2,100 + ongoing fees), it wasn't an option. Spending that sum of money was the last thing I was looking to do. Once I ordered the pile of products you'll see in the photos I tested and tested to figure out how to solve this problem. Besides, I've dealt with animals my whole life, how hard could it be?

Pupford Academy

Lifetime of animal encounters.

So, I’m gonna be real with you. It's harder than I thought. It seems like they know your every next move. Either that or some products just don't have any type of impact at all, of which I'm guessing to be the case. Oh yea, and if there's one, that usually means there's more. The picture below was a family trip up north in Wisconsin spending some time relaxing with family. The week after that trip is when everything started and the battle began a few short weeks after we moved in.

Pupford Academy

Caught this fishing on the last day of vacation!

The entire home ownership ride has been a journey. If you're new to the exterminator game, I can only imagine how overwhelming it would be. I must say being able to successfully remove the mice has been a larger success of mine in my short time as a homeowner, but I put a lot into it! Now that I have my process down, I feel good about moving forward and continue to update the packets when needed not wanting the same problems to return. With colder temps around the corner, we'll see if I can hold on for another winter and I'll be sure to update you along the way!

Thanks for reading!

I'm the proud owner of a now rodent-free home (at least that I know of).